Evaluation of Information Management Competencies of School Administrators (Case of Vocational High Schools)


  • hakan akarı meb




Vocational High School, Vocational Teacher, School Administrator


In the study, it was aimed to evaluate the managerial and educational competencies of vocational high school teachers and school administrators, and to examine them according to some demographic variables. The universe of the study is Vocational High Schools affiliated with the Ministry of National Education. The sample is Nazilli Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School located in Nazilli, Nazilli 50 Yıl Commerce Vocational High School and Nazilli Nahit Menteşe Vocational High School for Girls. Since the study data showed normal distribution, they were analyzed with the t test in SPSS program. As a result of the study, no vocational high school teacher found the school administrator inadequate. The highest level of 39.6% (n=42) was considered as high level sufficient. In the results of the analysis, there was no significant difference in the evaluations of vocational high school teachers according to age and field; significant differences were determined in terms of gender, marital status, seniority and duration of being in the same school. It has been seen that school administrators are evaluated as having high level competency in each sub-dimension in the average evaluation of their managerial and educational competencies.



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How to Cite

akarı, hakan. (2022). Evaluation of Information Management Competencies of School Administrators (Case of Vocational High Schools). Current Research in Social Sciences and Humanities, 1(1), 24–41. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7495411


