Insecurity with Oil, Analyzing The Paradoxical Relationship Between Oil and Security in The Middle East
The discovery of oil as an energy source is one of the most critical and groundbreaking developments in human history after the Industrial Revolution. The first use of petroleum as a chemical component in heavy industry dates back to the second half of the 19th century, but it was only in the second half of the 20th century that it became an effective pressure mechanism in the foreign policies of states. The increasing consumption of oil in key areas such as the automotive industry, energy, transport, heavy industry, chemical and pharmaceutical sectors has brought the states with oil reserves to a special position. At this point, the Middle East, which contains approximately fifty per cent of the world's proven oil reserves within its borders, has been one of the main geographies that set the global agenda in the history of the modern world. On the other hand, with the discovery of oil as an energy source, security dilemmas in the Middle East and related phenomena such as wars, conflicts, popular movements and terrorism have become a chronic disease of the region. Although the energy factor has made some regional states an important actor of the global financial system, in general, it has narrowed the political room for manoeuvre of the regional states, caused them to adopt a mono-diverse economic model, and brought along their economic-political dependence. The states of the region, which are in a deep weakness in terms of producing security, have become dependent on Western states in the field of defence, and have maintained their political fragility with the lack of political infrastructure in state administrations. In this study, it has been tried to analyse what kind of a paradoxical relationship spiral exists between oil and security, what are the factors determining this relationship spiral, and whether oil brings insecurity with it, especially in the Middle East. In this context, some of the conflicts and phenomena occurring in the Middle East have been re-evaluated in terms of oil and how they shape the security of the region has been examined
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