A General View on Spirituality in Adolescence
adolescence, spirituality, spiritual counseling and guidanceAbstract
Adolescence contains a complex process as physically, psychological, social and emotional. Although the number of adolescents who have important experiences is high, the risk of engaging in high-risk behaviors is also high. Although the number of adolescents who have important experiences is high, the risk of engaging in high-risk behaviors is also high in this period. Recent studies on protective factors in adolescence have noted that some adolescents fare well during stressful life events. In these studies, the concept of spirituality emerges as a protective factor. During adolescence, individuals discover spirituality and search for reasons for existence. They also desire belonging and purpose in life. In general, individuals tend to engage in spiritual exploration during adolescence, therefore adolescence is an important and sensitive phase of spiritual development. The current study focused on the importance of spirituality during adolescence. In this context, firstly, information about spirituality was presented in the relevant literature, then the relationship between adolescence and spirituality was discussed with a conceptual framework and information was given about spiritual counseling and guidance studies carried out during adolescence. Thus, the current study aimed to provide a new perspective on future studies investigating spirituality during adolescence.
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