Vocabulary Elements in Abbas Sayar's Novel "Yılkı Horse"


  • Kerim TUZCU Siirt Üniversitesi, Eğitim Fakültesi, Türkçe Öğretmenliği
  • Nazime BAYRAM




Molded Words, Abbas Sayar, Novel, Vocabulary.


The richness of the vocabulary in the language is important in many ways. It provides a more effective communication and expression ability, It helps you to express your thoughts more deeply and to express more complex ideas. It reflects the cultural richness and history of the language. Vocabulary in a language gives information about the history, culture, values and experiences of that language. Increases communication skills, improves thinking skills. In this vocabulary, the stereotyped vocabulary is one step ahead of the others in terms of importance. Turkish is very rich in terms of stereotypes and when it is considered from this point of view, it is of great importance to preserve this richness and transfer it to future generations. From this point of view, literary works are very important means of transmission. Literary works show the richness of both the language and the period with the vocabulary elements they contain. In addition, it makes it possible to determine the language use skills of the authors and their command of the language. Every work whose vocabulary is examined also serves as a source for future studies and research on linguistics. In this study, Nail Abbas SAYAR's 'Yılkı Horse' novel, which uses the elements of vocabulary in his works, was chosen as a sample and examined. The data of the research, which was carried out by adopting a qualitative research approach, were obtained through document analysis. With the content analysis, stereotyped vocabulary elements (idioms, proverbs, reduplications, prayers (prays), curses (insults), curses, stereotypes (cultural unit), local names and nicknames were tried to be determined.



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How to Cite

TUZCU, K., & BAYRAM, N. (2023). Vocabulary Elements in Abbas Sayar’s Novel "Yılkı Horse". Current Research in Social Sciences and Humanities, 2(1), 15–27. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.8267437


