Tahir B. Ashur's Method of Interpretation Within the Framework of the Verses of Ahkâm


  • Mustafa Fırat Diyanet İşleri Başkanlığı Tunceli Pertek İlçe Müftüsü
  • Mesut OKUMUŞ




The Verses of Ahkam, Tahir b. Ashur, at-Tahrir ve't-tenvir min't-tafsir, The Interpretation Method.


In the contemporary period, one of the primary areas that the intellect and understanding have brought into discussion is the issues related to Islamic rulings. Since the matters concerning rulings (ahkâm) also involve human law and legal domains, they have an impact on various individual and human aspects. The verses about rulings in the Quran carry a distinct significance in this regard compared to other verses. The reinterpretation of these ruling verses by experts in the field, in a manner that responds to the understanding and needs of contemporary individuals, is undoubtedly a societal necessity. Muhammad al-Tahir ibn Ashur, a Tunisian scholar well-versed in Islamic sciences, with around forty works in the fields of Quranic exegesis, hadith, jurisprudence, legal methodology, Arabic language, and literature, has addressed the needs of contemporary intellect and understanding in his work called "et-Tahrîr ve’t-tenvîr mine’t-tefsîr," claiming to provide answers. In his commentary, he delves into the Quranic verses alongside the recent scientific literature, demonstrating himself as a well-educated Islamic scholar. Therefore, Tahir ibn Ashur stands out as one of the most influential Islamic scholars to be consulted on matters related to rulings. This study examines Tahir ibn Ashur's method of interpretation within the framework of the verses on rulings, exploring how he utilizes his knowledge in his exegesis. The data for the research, conducted through examples, was obtained by analyzing the commentary. The findings, derived from the verses on rulings, are presented through the study.


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How to Cite

Fırat, M., & OKUMUŞ, M. (2023). Tahir B. Ashur’s Method of Interpretation Within the Framework of the Verses of Ahkâm. Current Research in Social Sciences and Humanities, 2(3), 64–76. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10437784


