Analysis of “Hababam Class” Movie Series in the Framework of Education


  • Yunus Emre AVCI
  • Necibe NAZLIER
  • Hatice AVCI
  • Servet NAZLIER



Rıfat Ilgaz, Hababam Class, Film Series, Educational Review.


The “Hababam Class” series is a Turkish comedy film and book series based on the novel of the same name by Rıfat Ilgaz. Consisting of a total of 9 films in 2 series, the film tells the humorous and entertaining adventures of the students at Private Çamlıca High School, a high school in Ankara. Hababam Class is a class that struggles to maintain order and struggles with disciplinary problems. The students in the class usually come from families with financial difficulties and have unusual personalities. These students try to have fun together in class, make plans and try to break the mediocrity. The aim of the research is to evaluate the Hababam Class movie series from an educational point of view.  The research is a survey model and data were collected by document analysis technique, one of the qualitative research methods. “Hababam Class” movie series and related researches were used as documents. The data were analyzed by watching the film series and subjecting the related researches to content analysis. According to the results of the research; it is understood that the teacher style that adopts strict disciplinary rules, does not understand the students, cannot get down to the level of the students, and the rote learning, exam system-based education approach that categorizes students cannot be abandoned today. Parents try to do their best for their children. If finances allow, many parents want to send their children to a private school for a more qualified education. However, what is often overlooked is that private schools are businesses and continue to exist.


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How to Cite

AVCI, Y. E., NAZLIER, N., AVCI, H., & NAZLIER, S. (2024). Analysis of “Hababam Class” Movie Series in the Framework of Education. Current Research in Social Sciences and Humanities, 3(5), 48–56.