Investigation of Organizational Dissent Research in Schools by Meta-Synthesis Method




Schools, Organizational Dissent, Meta-Synthesis


The main purpose of this research is to analyze the articles and theses written in Turkish on the subject of organizational dissent in public and private schools in Turkey using the meta-synthesis method. Metasynthesis studies are, in a sense, drawing the topography of existing studies. It is to arrive at a more collective assessment.Themes were formed about the aims of the studies examined within independed factors, information about their samples, research methods, data collection tools used, which demographic variables were used, and the level of differentiation according to these variables, their results and suggestions. It has been seen that the researches have similar and different purposes, and the relational survey model, which is one of the quantitative research methods, is used. The researches examined were mostly carried out with the participation of teachers. In the researches, the variables of gender, professional seniority, educational status, marital status, age, union membership were used most, respectively. The results of the differentiation levels of the general and sub-dimensions of the organizational dissent scales used in the researches were examined according to the variables of gender, professional seniority, educational status, marital status, age and union membership, and it was determined that there was no differentiation, although there were different results. The reviewed studies contain similar and different recommendations and results.


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How to Cite

EŞSİZ, İrfan, & TÖSTEN, R. (2022). Investigation of Organizational Dissent Research in Schools by Meta-Synthesis Method. Current Research in Social Sciences and Humanities, 1(1), 76–94.


