Kuşaklara Göre Bireylerin İlk Öğretmenleri Hakkındaki Algılarının Metaforlar Yoluyla Belirlenmesi


  • İrfan Keman MEB




Recent rapid changes have profoundly affected human life and education systems globally. These changes, occurring in technological, economic, social, and political domains, have deeply influenced people's attitudes and behaviors. Inevitably, these changes have brought about new requirements and adaptations in the processes of education and teaching. The human factor, one of the fundamental elements of education, has become a significant focal point in this period of change. Research shows that individuals who have lived through the same period and been influenced by similar events exhibit common attitudes and behaviors. This phenomenon has led to the identification and analysis of different generations. Generations represent individuals born within a specific time frame, influenced by particular events, and adopting certain attitudes and behaviors as a result. Economic, historical, political, and technological changes affect the thought patterns, lifestyles, attitudes, and behaviors of generations. Differences in educational processes among generations have also played a role in shaping individuals' perceptions of their first teachers. This study aims to analyze the perceptions of first teachers among the X, Y, and Z generations using metaphors.


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How to Cite

Keman, İrfan. (2024). Kuşaklara Göre Bireylerin İlk Öğretmenleri Hakkındaki Algılarının Metaforlar Yoluyla Belirlenmesi. Current Research in Social Sciences and Humanities, 3(5), 35–47. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.14652335