Makale Kabulü
Dergimiz Haziran 2025'te yayınlanacak olan 6. sayısı için makale kabulüne başlamıştır.
Dear Reviewer of Current Research in Social Sciences and Humanities,
Before evaluating the manuscript and providing your feedback to the Editor, we kindly ask you to review our "Writing Guidelines" and "Ethical Principles."
As part of the review process, you are required to submit your feedback using the Reviewer Evaluation Form, which consists of "Evaluation Criteria" and "Decision" sections. Additionally, you are expected to provide comments and suggestions on the manuscript's scientific content, writing style, and formatting. If you prefer, you may upload a file with your direct corrections on the manuscript (preferably using the "Track Changes" mode). If you believe the manuscript should not be published, please explain your reasons.
The information you provide in the Reviewer Evaluation Form will be shared with the author in accordance with our double-blind peer review policy (reviewer details are kept confidential). Any notes intended solely for the Editor can be shared in the "Note to Editor" section, while those for the author can be shared in the "Note to Author" section.
Double-Blind Peer Review and Ethical Principles
All manuscripts submitted to our journal are evaluated through a double-blind peer review process. Reviewers are not allowed to directly communicate with the authors during the review. The evaluation results are communicated to the authors by the Editors through the journal management system.
Reviewers are expected to adhere to the following ethical principles:
Peer Review Process and Transparency
Evaluation Criteria
Writing the Report
Reviewer Feedback and Communication
Thank you for your cooperation.
e-ISSN: 2979-9953
Dergimiz Haziran 2025'te yayınlanacak olan 6. sayısı için makale kabulüne başlamıştır.
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