Writing Rules

Writing rules
The articles submitted to the journal with the request for publication are sent to two reviewrs (blind review) by the editor. If necessary, it can also be sent to the 3rd or 4th reviewers. The relevant field editor examines the submitted paper. Papers that do not comply with the spelling rules can be sent back to the author for correction. The publication process of the submitted articles varies according to the number of submission. Therefore, it should not be expected that the article will be published in the first issue to be published after the first submission date.
1- Manuscripts submitted to the journal must not have been previously published or submitted to another journal for publication.
2- The studies submitted for publication must be prepared in accordance with the academic writing rules and in either Turkish or English.
3-The copyright of any published work belongs to the journal.
4- Manuscripts submitted to the journal are put in the queue for publication after they are reviewed by the relevant referees and the "can be published" report is given and approved by the editor.
5- Manuscripts that are not requested to be corrected by the reviewers or editor are not obliged to be sent back to the author, even for control purposes. However, the author himself can request a correction.
6-The relevant editor can make the necessary spelling corrections. Again, the English abstract (Abstract) can be corrected by the language editor if seen necessary.
7-Scientific studies and their appendices (photos, figures, tables, etc.) must be written in Word program, Times New Roman 12 points, with 1 line spacing (Abstract 10 points, 1 line spacing, paragraph first line 0). Margin settings: top 2.5cm, left 2.5cm, right 2.5cm, bottom 2.5cm, paragraph first line should be indented 1.25cm, spacing between paragraphs: first 0 pt, then 6 pt. should be. Headings should be 12nk first, then 6nk. There should be no blank lines between paragraphs.
8-Abstract and Keywords (Turkish) and Abstract and Keywords (English) consisting of maximum 200 words should be placed at the beginning of the study. In addition, complete address information should be available for each author. At the end of the article; Researchers' Contribution Rate statement, Support and Acknowledgment Statement, if any, and Conflict Statement should be given.
9-Footnotes in articles will be prepared in APA (American Psychological Association) or classical footnote format and given in the text. All cited references must have complete bibliographic information. It is recommended to use the latin alphabet for all cited references (This is important for the citation's impact factor).
10- The opinions expressed in the articles published in the journal bind the authors. All legal responsibility of the articles belongs to the authors.
11- Articles published in the journal can be quoted provided that the source is indicated. Refer to the journal; author, article title, Current Research in Social Sciences and Humanities, volume, issue, year format.
12-No copyright fee is paid for published articles.
13- It is recommended that the scientific studies to be sent should not exceed 20 pages.
14- Author information should not be given in the full text of the article. This information should be given on the Title Page (Article Tag). If a completed thesis is used in the study, the information on this subject should be given in the article tag and not in the full text.
15- The work to be sent should be uploaded with the following files:
- Full text article with no author name (file name, author names should not be like "ahmet-yilmaz.doc", can be like "-tammetin.doc" or "article-tammetin.doc") *
- Article tag (Article name, for each author; author's name, title, institutional information, e-mail address, Orcid number, and information about permission in articles that require ethical committee permission) *
- Copyright agreement *
- Similarity report (it should be reviewed with one of the similarity programs such as Turnitin or iThenticate, the similarity rate should not exceed 20% and the full report should be uploaded). *
- Ethics committee report
16- Maximum attention should be paid to compliance with research and publication ethics in scientific studies to be sent to the journal.
17- For all kinds of communication, the address editor@currentsocialjournal.com can be used.
18- For article contribution and other issues, see About the Journal and Frequently Asked Questions.