Education and Management Approach of Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi
Document Analysis, Biography, Child Education, Heart-Head-Hand Yrinity TheoryAbstract
The aim of this research is to reveal Pestalozzi's understanding of education and management based on his works, to examine his life and to determine the main factors affecting the formation of his educational philosophy. Getting to know better the theories and educational approach he developed; The aim is to analyze the philosophy of education better, based on the intellectuals that it has influenced and been influenced by. In this study; According to Pestalozzi: How should education be? What are the aims of education? How to acquire knowledge and skills? How to harm a child in education? Why is maternal education important? etc. questions will be answered. Developed; The reflections of education, methods and disciplines on the understanding of modern education and its place in modern education have been tried to be determined based on primary sources. The main reasons why his name is written in the field of education in Europe and America and in many countries of the world today have been investigated.
This work; It is prepared as a biographical study, which is a qualitative research form. The literature on the subject has been scanned, and first of all, the works of Pestalozzi have been examined. Afterwards, second and third sources were consulted; Many articles and theses written about him were analyzed by descriptive analysis, and the philosophy of education he developed was tried to be analyzed with the main lines. Although some of their ideas about education and schooling conflict with some postmodern educators, most of the representatives of the modern education approach support the student-centered education approach that Pestalozzi laid the foundations of.
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