



Cacophony, cacophonous errors, text, Turkish textbook.


Reading, listening, speaking and writing language skills meet the comprehension and expression needs of individuals. Reading, listening comprehension; speaking and writing are language skills. These skills need to be examined, researched and developed in many ways. Sufficient and qualified writings and speeches for raising healthy individuals who read, listen, understand and write well, and for the structuring of emotions, thoughts and information in the mind; In order to develop an active intelligence, rich vocabulary, mastery of reading, listening, speaking and writing methods and techniques, motivation, general cultural knowledge, grammar and language sensitivity, written materials used in Turkish lessons in primary school ages to develop comprehension and expression skills and to avoid cacophonous mistakes. Cacophony is when the sounds, syllables and words that come together do not match with each other and create an effect that will disturb the listener. This term has passed into Turkish from French (cacophonie). Also known as jamming. “Cacophony: It is the sound dissonance that occurs as a result of the repetition and succession of the sounds” (İmer, Kocaman & Özsoy, 2011, p. 165). Not only sounds, but also unnecessary and unnecessary repetition of words, which can be called clustered forms of sounds, creates cacophony in the language (Akt. Emiroğlu & Özen, 2023). The question of the research is “5. "Are there any cacophonous errors in the free reading texts in the first grade Turkish textbook?" constitutes. The purpose of this research; The aim is to examine eight free reading texts in the 5th grade Turkish textbook determined by the Board of Education in terms of cacophonic errors, to determine the existing cacophony, to reveal the reason for these errors and to identify solutions for how to eliminate cacophonic errors. Qualitative research method was used in this study. Document review and content analysis techniques were used to analyze the data. In this context, after reviewing the necessary literature review and relevant studies, the information was evaluated in the light of the data obtained. As a result of the study, cacophonic errors in sound level in the texts; lack of control and careless use of language, not making use of ellipsis; cacophonous errors at the word level; Findings such as exaggerated expression, carelessness, not checking what they wrote, and not making use of submission, reduction and replacement were found.

Author Biography


İstanbul Ümraniye Yamanevler Şehit Emre Büyükyıldırım Ortaokulunda Müdür.


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How to Cite

Özen, K., & İLDENİZ, R. (2024). EXAMINATION OF FREE READING TEXTS IN THE SECONDARY SCHOOL 5TH GRADE TURKISH TEXTBOOK FOR CACOPHONIC ERRORS. Current Research in Social Sciences and Humanities, 3(4), 1–11. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.12528490


